What Do Hiring Managers Want to See in a Cover Letter?

I found this neat post about cover letters and their relevance today. It does a great job of outlining what you should include. The overall point is… RESEARCH!! Get inside the hiring manager’s head and ask yourself, what would they do they need to know about you, and in what context?

MyCareerBrand.net: Blogs and Articles

Are Cover Letters a thing of the past?  If not, then what value do they add?  More importantly, what do Hiring Managers want to see in a cover letter?

To vote on the poll – scroll down.  Or read this article first, and then cast your vote to help candidates know what they need to provide.

For those who don’t see the need for a Cover Letter – their argument may be that the One Page Curriculum Vitae will sufficiently outline relevant experience, skills, and supporting achievements that resonate with the Hiring Manager of the role you are applying for.  And, that this in itself should provide evidence that you have researched the role before hitting the ‘Apply Now’ button.  To some degree I support this argument.  But the fact is – sometimes you will be asked to provide a cover letter.  (Note: In addition to the One Page CV…

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Why I Love Television

I know it’s unconventional to admit this, that I harbor a habit that’s blamed for so many negative trends in society… but bear with me as I unleash this shameful, or not, secret.
As a child, I was never a movie lover except perhaps a trilogy here or there.  No, I preferred my weekly installments of familiar characters who’d become my loyal, if not one-sided, friends. In an age when peers were often fickle, I relied on my television to distract me from the trials of my adolescent, tumultuous reality. Let’s not talk about my teen career as an artful procrastinator.
Now that I’m socially adjusted and firmly in adulthood, I have a whole new, hopefully evolved logic surrounding my adoration for the small screen.
Yes, I still get wrapped up in dramas of the moment, and there are days when I come home pining for some mindless fluffy comedy to whisk me into a place where my troubles are moot… but there is so much more to it than that.
In learning about myself the last decade or two, while gaining self-awareness, I’ve discovered that what I really relish is studying characters. I enjoy becoming attached to these fictional identities who ideally(for me), soar above adversity with graceful aplomb. Identifying with their troubles- or atleast trying to see what their shoes look like (after all, who doesn’t love shoe shopping, ha!) is an exercise in witnessing the evolution of humanity. It thrills me to see unique characters represented, and it fascinates me how from one season to the next, they grow, adapt, and manage to seemingly leap over insurmountable barriers. I often sit quietly after watching a show, processing it’s meaning and potential ramifications.  In fact, I’ve no doubt that this penchant of mine for seeking out underdogs on the small screen fuels atleast part of my decision to pursue a career in diversity and inclusion.
Satires are great too, forcing commentary on momentary trends and pivotal historic movements.  Perhaps this is why I’m not much of a movie girl. Small details are less likely lost in television and I’ve never been fond of the goodbye’s I subject myself to with every movie I see. Besides, television is by far more cost effective.
Anyhow, I’m not naïve. I get that the world doesn’t operate in quite such a serendipitous way… but in my view, that isn’t the point. Television isn’t supposed to push the boundaries of reality, but imagination. Simply put, it’s inspiring.
Watching Jennifer Love Hewitt(Client List) making morally questionable decisions in order to protect her children, or seeing Claire Danes(Homeland) manage a serious mental illness while facing down terrorists brings new perspective to my somewhat limited world. Moreover, I’m a sucker for love! Watching the mating dance of two characters fumble their way through that awkwardly wonderful sidestep routine until they finally get it right never gets old.
Of course, I’ve heard condemnations that these shows are filled with cookie cutter plots, product placements and too many commercials. Sure, that may be the case here and there, but for the most part, I believe that context makes all the difference. If the criticisms were true, then we’d be saying the same about virtually every entity out there, from people to companies and so on.
Don’t get me started on the various competition based shows out there. Before they were around, I had nary an opportunity to watch aspiring yet struggling hopefuls become superstars under the guidance of world renown industry experts.
Nevermind the marketing gimmicks and manipulations they employ, that’s the model that works. It is what it is, so why not embrace it. After all, without the “Fords” of our world backing the “American Idols” and such, we wouldn’t have them.
As for violence and sexually suggestive imagery, well… I choose to ignore that. I have no defense against it except to say that shock value sells or else it wouldn’t be employed. No question about it, television’s got a nasty rep for being shallow or crude, especially some of the over-dramatized, over-sensationalized not-so real time (yet scripted!) fake-ality shows.
It makes me wonder, what does that say about us, as a society? Somebody is giving them decent ratings or else they wouldn’t make it past a few episodes. Not to mention, most of those shows aren’t meant for the eyes of influential children.  Shame on those that are, but let’s face it; every basket has a few bad eggs. All we can do is regulate it! And tv isn’t the only one with a stake in molding our future generations. I’m looking at you, villages…
Anyhow, my point is that there is plenty of unique and insightful programming out there, if you know where to look for it.
Also… documentaries? Now there is a whole other fascinating arena that I’ll have to cover in another blog one day. I actually think that they can be more powerful in society than any other medium. Take Supersize for example. I digress.
So yes, I do love television. I don’t sit in front of the tv zoned out like a trained monkey (I do have other hobbies!). I am engaged with it, and take time to consider the implications of its message. Whether or not I agree with the stance is irrelevant, though it can be highly entertaining and intriguing.
Is it so terrible to indulge? I don’t believe so. Judge me if you will. If not, there’s a spot on my couch for you!

P.S. Every show fits the bill for one demographic or another. Which one is yours?